Restrict the child table field to edit after particular time


my client wants, read only option for some fields in child table after particular time.

I have one doctype called “Daily Sales Activity”, there one child table “Activity Table” & field name is “activity”. In that child table, i have 3 fields activity_type(select), decription(data) & status(select).

Scenario: They fill the details on activity_type, description & status row in morning 9am to after noon 2pm. Now, they want after 3pm, the fields activity_type, description are not editable only status field should be allow to edit.( I mean already filled rows).

So, for this scenario, i have created one client script but its not working. I attaced that code below.

frappe.ui.form.on('Daily Sales Activity', {
    onload: function(frm) {
        frm.fields_dict['activity_table'].grid.on('row_added', function() {
            const now = new Date();
            const hours = now.getHours();

            // Disable fields if it's after 3 PM
            if (hours >= 15) { // 3 PM
                frm.set_df_property('activity_type', 'read_only', 1);
                frm.set_df_property('description', 'read_only', 1);
    refresh: function(frm) {
        const now = new Date();
        const hours = now.getHours();

        // Disable fields if it's after 3 PM
        if (hours >= 15) { // 3 PM
            frm.set_df_property('activity_table', 'read_only', 1);