Restricted access for some users after update

Hi all,

We recently updated to v11.1.3 but are now suddenly faced with restricted access for some users. I have checked the Roles for each of the affected users but everything is in order.

Even when changing my roles to be an exact match to my colleague’s for whom everything is working well, the problem still persists.

Does anyone have an idea what else could be causing the restricted permission? How to solve this problem?

Issues found so far:

  • I can only see my own employee record in the list view but not those of my colleagues any more (I am HR user and require access to those)
  • Even though I am Expense Approver, I can no longer see any expense claims other then my own (not even the ones I previously approved)

You may have to edit / delete user permissions. Go to “User Permission” via search to do that.


Adding Company level permission on save of employee should be removed to avoid this issue…

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Thanks, problem solved!

Under “User Permission” I found a restriction for my Employee Number but “Applicable For” was not specified so that the restriction was applied across all documents. I removed this employee restriction completely now.