Retrieve All Linked Doctype IDs

Hi there, If I have multiple documents linked to one document, how do I retrieve their IDs in an array to be used later in the script?

Please try it. I used the default “Link” concept to get all links. so check it.

It’s a sample script.

frappe.ui.form.on("Sales Order", {
    refresh: function (frm) {
        frm.add_custom_button("Get All Links", function () {
            frappe.xcall("frappe.desk.form.linked_with.get", {
                doctype: frm.doctype,
                docname: frm.docname,
            }).then((response) => {
                let linked_ids = [];
                Object.keys(response).forEach((doctype) => {
                    response[doctype].forEach((doc) => {
                console.log("--------------", JSON.stringify(linked_ids));
                    title: __("Success"),
                    message: __("Linked document IDs have been stored in the custom field."),
                    indicator: "green",

Thanks for helping out. I tried using the script and it seems to be executing (but I am getting permissions error):

Is there a way to filter out the doctypes that are delivery notes?

I tried adding a filter to the this part of the code:

	    filters:{'doctype':'Delivery Note'}

No need to apply a filter, because it’s already applied in the below line.

But then I am getting the error shown above. I am using Frappe Cloud. How do I go about it?

It’s just sample code, now you have to add logic and set it according to the scenario. we just set the default link logic, nothing more.

I understand. However, when I am just starting with this first parameters:

frappe.ui.form.on('Sales Invoice', {
	refresh(frm) {
	     frappe.xcall("frappe.desk.form.linked_with.get", {
                doctype: frm.doctype,
                docname: frm.docname,

The error already appears without adding any other code to the script:

I am confused why it appears. Any insight on it would be great, thanks!