Roles and Permission

I have created doctype and want to give the permission to access this complete doctype… Please guide …


You can add the necessary Roles and permission in Doctype under Permission Rules as follows:


Divyesh M.

I have created the role. issue when i logged in with that user i am unable to see those doc type .


Can you post the screenshots? Also try searching from Awesome bar.


Divyesh M.

This is the error coming when i am logging through new user


This error has nothing to do with roles and permission. Are you able to access the same doctype with Administrator account without any errors?

To identify this error, press F12 button to open the Console log and check.


Divyesh M.

Hi, it could be useful to know what is the error trace too


when I am logging through the new user i am unable to switch deck when i click that option this error page is occuring


Please post the error trace and maximum info you can share. This will help others on forum to understand the issue faster and can provide the appropriate solution.


Divyesh M.

I have created the new workspace. do i need to add the workspace anywhere…

Is your workspace public?

Yes my workspace is public.

The workspace called Welcome Workspace is the built-in workspace that is shown to users that don’t have access to any workspace, which is probably the case of your user with a single custom role.

However, the Welcome Workspace MUST exist in your system, because it is imported on migrate:

Did you manage to fix your issue?