I was trying out the code for rounding to the highest integer number. and i did small modification on stockentry.py file. That is
import math (at the top)
item.name: {
“to_warehouse”: to_warehouse,
“from_warehouse”: “”,
“qty”: math.ceil(self.fg_completed_qty),
“item_name”: item.item_name,
“description”: item.description,
“stock_uom”: item.stock_uom,
“expense_account”: item.expense_account,
“cost_center”: item.buying_cost_center,
}, bom_no = self.bom_no)
I saved the file and made a new Production order => Transfer to Manufacture.But it is not working. What did i miss or is it the wrong place.
The rounded result should come on each items qty field in the Transfer to manufacture form.