Run tests anomolies v14


I set up a site on v14 , then ran bench --site site-name run-tests. It appears that the script created another site and the tests ran on that. It also changed the nginx configuration changing the first site port , giving port 80 to the newly crated site. I dropped the new site , ran bench setup nginx and a restart of nginx service failed:

sudo nginx -t
nginx: [emerg] unknown log format “main” in /etc/nginx/conf.d/frappe-bench.conf:100
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed

I edited /etc/nginx/conf.d/frappe-bench.conf and removed the added ‘main’ from line 100, restarted nginx and he original site was back on port 80 .

There are no apps installed on the site.

Posting this in case others run into something similar.

I face similar issuue when run

bench setup nginx 

This needs to be fixed but a quick workaround is to run the following command

sudo bench setup production [USERNAME]

Hi @Mohammad_Ahmad_Zulfi ,

The site is in production mode when tests were run.

Yes I am aware. You can re run this co mand in production its safe.