Running frappe_docker (ERPNext v15.10.0) on AWS EC2

I’ve been trying unsuccessfully to run frappe_docker on AWS EC2 using the docker compose configuration via the pwd.yml config.

I tried a variety of instance types including t3.micro, t3.nano, t2.medium on Amazon Linux 2023 (aka AL2023) with Docker daemon installed. The frontend application/container looks unresponsive, it just gets stuck.

Can anyone share if this is something that can run successfully and how they got it working?


I finally got this working. Turns out the ARM-based instance types were a better fit, allowing us to build all containers and run the entire image stack.

What worked for us is tg4.small or t4g.medium with 16GB of EBS storage.

Happy to expand if it’s useful to someone else out there.

I’m interested to see how it works in the ARM environment and with the tg4.small or .medium resources. Seems a little light?

Finally getting this to work in production via frappe_docker on a single server was quite involved. We had to customize pwd.yml and make sure the nginx config has SSL support, and mounting certificates into the “frontend” container correctly.

Also nginx-template.conf and had to be tweaked to un-hardcode the 8080 port (optional) and enabling SSL on nginx.

The good news is that it’s definitely doable and can run on arm64 with very modest resources. Still need to stress-test this but so far so good.

Sounds good! How are you pulling the image? I’m trying it on a aarch64 instance (not AWS) and getting this message with frappe/erpnext:v15.10.8

v15.10.8: Pulling from frappe/erpnext
no matching manifest for linux/arm64/v8 in the manifest list entries

frappe/bench is ok . docker manifest inspect the images seems to confirm arm64 is supported for bench and not for erpnext, I was able to compose the erpnext single server example v14 a few weeks ago…

I don’t know enough about your setup there but one thing you could try is passing the --platform "linux/arm64" flag for your docker build command (or podman build if that’s what you use).

We’ve built a custom image that includes the HRMS module, so maybe that made a difference (i.e. building a custom erpnext image from scratch). There are instructions for building a custom image, just look for those and give it a try.

FWIW, our custom image was build on a t4g EC2 instance on AWS.