S3 Backup Error (An error occurred (400) when calling the HeadBucket operation: Bad Request)

An error occurred (400) when calling the HeadBucket operation: Bad Request

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unfortunately in my case it was giving me 301, permanent redirect that the resource has moved. I have configured google drive. That works. There seems to be an issue with v15 for s3.

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Yeah Its seems to be there is some issue with V15 for S3 backups.

i have the same issue , did anyone solve it ?

at v14 as well i just got 301


I have resolve this by using volume backup, I have followed this docs.

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i resolved this by setting the endpoint of s3
from : https://s3.amazonaws.com
to : https://s3.your-region.amazonaws.com


I have tried this still got this error

Looks like your access keys do not have permission for this Operation “Head Bucket”. Please update your IAM policy and retry. Works in my case.

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thanks, it’s working now