S3 Backup Error (An error occurred (400) when calling the HeadBucket operation: Bad Request)

An error occurred (400) when calling the HeadBucket operation: Bad Request

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unfortunately in my case it was giving me 301, permanent redirect that the resource has moved. I have configured google drive. That works. There seems to be an issue with v15 for s3.

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Yeah Its seems to be there is some issue with V15 for S3 backups.

i have the same issue , did anyone solve it ?

at v14 as well i just got 301


I have resolve this by using volume backup, I have followed this docs.

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i resolved this by setting the endpoint of s3
from : https://s3.amazonaws.com
to : https://s3.your-region.amazonaws.com


I have tried this still got this error

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Looks like your access keys do not have permission for this Operation “Head Bucket”. Please update your IAM policy and retry. Works in my case.

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thanks, it’s working now