SaaS as ERPNext (Frappe Cloud Hosting Services)

Hi ERPNext Family,

I have been developed some open-source apps with frappe,
I will share them here in discuss after Alpha Testing.

Now …
I would like to make a Cloud Hosting Services (SaaS), exactly like

Please help me in this part, share concepts, open-source or books that will help me to do it.
(I have no idea or from where can I start).

Thanks in Advance.


Read the white paper on Frappe Central.


Ask for the price of the service and it starts at 30k per year minimun, so it takes a lot of us out of the game.
No news on the launch anyway.

It is currently being developed
How I wish it would be open-source


Nope, read the whitepaper


Has anyone successfully installed these two? I have tried installing Press without success so far.

@mwogi I got the press installed!

I’m try to get the agents installed on they respective servers!

Right now, I still in probe mode!

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@max_morais_dmm Great. What version of frappe, bench are you using? You can elaborate on the steps you followed? Thanks

@mwogi version-13 of frappe!

I always start from a clean ubuntu 20.04

I do have my own installation procedure, where I install the whole set of requirements on the OS by hand.

This procedure is an adapted from erpnext_vagrant/ at master · frappe/erpnext_vagrant · GitHub

After install the whole set of OS requirements and fix the configuration of Mariadb server

I do the compilation of the python versions I personally need Python2.7, Python3.8, Python3.9 and Python3.10

Compiling many python versions means, I’m able to install diferent versions of ERPNext on the same server (from 6 to 14) right now!

I do the installation of the bench with apt install frappe-bench

And I do the bench init {bench} --python {py-version}

Of course this process will fail, so, when asked to rollback the changes, the right choice is no!

I rebuild the virtualenv with the properly python, and install the applications and requirements.
Some fixes on the apps.txt on sites folder are needed

After that, you will be able to install the sites and setup the system to production!


I’m exploring the press, to add the purchase of servers and include this script to provision the machine, cuz the setup is right now, my major problem!

Thanks. Let me retry one more time and see if it works.

@max_morais_dmm Mine still didn’t work despite having installed all the python versions. Somehow the bench is not seeing the app despite it being added to apps.txt.

Congrats, Frappe Central is now called Frappe Cloud, and the open-source project called “press”