Salary components

salary component formulas don’t execute unless you specify amount. i created Gross salary and gave it abbreviation as GS and specified the amount as 800,000. then i created another component which is LST with a formula GS*0.05 but some how this formula isn’t executing. how can it be solved


What is formula you defined in Gross Salary?

Normally you need to write base in the formula of gross Salary.


Divyesh Mangroliya

for gross salary i did not use a formula i just entered the amount 800,000. it wasn’t based on formula


If possible, please share the screenshot of both components.


Divyesh Mangroliya



the first image is for gross salary and the second is for salary component that uses Gross salary in its calculation with abbreviation

actually i have solved the issue by making the income tax slab start on the same date as the payroll period
and now the formula is working