Salary Slip in PDF un-formatted in Email


We have created Custom New Salary Slip format with Leave Details , When we are creating pdf file from salary slip DocType format of Salary Slip is good. but when we send an email it gets Unformatted…

Moslty your case should get resolved by this, the css would not be getting the right link like below

The problem is simple. the plugin for pdf within ERPNext wkhtmltopdf does not render the payslip appropriately. I encountered this problem. At first i thought it was my setup and then i thought the doctype was not properly configured. It took me 2 months, several sleepless nights and 4 instances to realize that while the internal pdf plugin works, if fails to render jobs appropriately.

This issue is not restricted to payslips only. All forms automatically converted by wkhtmltopdf do not render properly.