Salary slip loan option Issue in customize Tab

Payroll > Salary Slip > Customize Child Table

I’m not getting a field of Salary Slip Loan in Customize Child Table.

What app do I need to update to get this customize field Salary Slip Loan

@NCP any help in this regard

Salary Slip Loan is not a Child Table.

It is a different App

I have other instances on different server they are giving me this salary slip loan option in customize child table.

payroll → Salary Slip → Employee → Customize option → customize child table →
Salary Slip Loan
Salary Slip Timesheet
Salary Detail
Salary Slip Leave

This Salary Slip Loan option isn’t available.

I have updated all the apps like frappe, erpnext, hrms and lending

I need this option in one of my instance, Salary slip loan