Salary Slip: Statistical Component

The statistical component is important for me to appear in the database because I need it to be used in generating reports. But I do not need it to appear in the salary slip to avoid confusing.
When I was selecting the component to be statistical, I was think that it will be available in the database to be used whenever it is needed. But I discover that it is not appearing in the tabSalary Detail table.
How to resolve this?

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It’s not configurable, you have to change the code in Only Salary component amount which not zero and not statistical will insert into tabSalary Detail table.

@magic-overflow I tried of changing this code you have mentioned. But it is not working for Zero Value amount but for Statistical Component. I want this to be applied for Amounts too.

Any solutions ??

what exactly change you made in code?

@Khadija I removed ‘amount’ from that line like this :

    if struct_row.statistical_component == 0:
            self.update_component_row(struct_row, amount, key)

that’s weird it should have worked

Hi, currently facing the same issue.

Removed amount on this line

if struct_row.statistical_component == 0:
self.update_component_row(struct_row, amount, key)

Was wondering if anyone found a fix for this ?

How can we transmit statistical components to salary slip?