Salary Structure Earning Component "Monthly Allowance" Based on Condition and Formula

When Leave Type, Sick/Casual/Annual Leaves is 2 or more than days in a month than “Monthly Allowance” is not Allowed to Employee. On other hand when Sick/Casual/Annual Leaves is less than 2 days than “Monthly Allowance” is Allowed to Employee.
I Set a Condition and Formula for Absent_days Like this
“absent_days <= 1 , 1000”
it work properly.
But when i set for Leave Type then it cannot work.
“status==“On Leave”, 1000”
What Condition and Formula or Script i enter to Apply on this…

You can use and , or condition in the formula

I want to use Only This Condition.
“status==“On Leave”, 1000”
This NOT Work…

How to i Access to employee Leave, or Leave Application to use in formula.
I want to calculate this on Employee Leaves.
When Leave Type, Sick/Casual/Annual Leaves is 2 or more than 2-days in a month than “Monthly Allowance” is not Allowed to Employee. On other hand when Sick/Casual/Annual Leaves is less than 2 days than “Monthly Allowance” Rs.1000/- is Allowed to Employee.

Please try this
if (leave_type == “Sick Leave” or leave_type == “Casual Leave” or leave_type == “Annual Leave”) and leave_days >= 2: