Sales Achieved and Target in Frappe Insights

Hi folks,

I am working with Frappe Insights to create a dashboard for Sales Person in which they can see their Target Monthly/Quarterly/Half-year/Yearly Distribution based on Created Lead/Sales Order/Sales Invoice and track their the process based on set target.

I check the Sale Person Doctype but it only track the quantity and amount of Items. Even though, I am not sure how to get the Achieved column (as in Sales Person Target Variance Based On Item Group) into Insights. The result I am getting of Total Qty shows for every month.

For example:

  1. I created Sale A and set the target as well as Monthly Distribution:

  2. Create a sale order with quantity of an item as 6 and attach Sale A to the document

  1. On the report Sales Person Target Variance Based On Item Group, it shows Total Target as 7 for May which is correct based on Monthly Distribution and Achieved is 6 for Sale A

  2. I set up a query in Frappe Insight to show a table including Total Qty and Target but it is showing for every month.

Does anyone know how I can track a Sale Person created Lead/Sale Order/Sale Invoice (quantity as well as amount for Sale Order/Invoice) based on a pre-set target? Any help is much appreciated.


Did you figure it out?
If not, can you share an example of the final results that you’re trying to achieve? It’ll be easier for me to understand and provide a solution