Sales Invoice Description Field to be left empty if needed

Hello, I am trying to set our sales invoices so, that one Item has item name with no description and second Item has item name as well as description. I have unchecked the option mandatory in customisation section, but when i delete the description field, it is giving error message that it cannot be empty. I cannot remove description from the list of fields in our Sales invoice form, because than it is not showing at all. Thank you

Use property setter to make that item tables field description as non-mandatory

I have tried to Customize Form - Sales Invoice and remove the mandatory option, then going to Invoice and deleting the Description but I got an error message: Error: Sales Invoice Item Row #1: Value missing for: Description.

When I try to customize under the print Settings and I uncheck the Description Field, that it removes it for all item and I don’t want that. I need to be able to see it sometimes.

Howver you may be talking about another option. If so, please provide me with more information. Thank you.

copy below code and paste it in your erpnext and then save it. It will make description in Sales Invoice Item non mandatory

{"name":"Sales Invoice Item-description-reqd","creation":"2023-02-08 10:07:29.559257","modified":"2022-04-06 15:30:57.478702","modified_by":"Administrator","docstatus":0,"idx":0,"is_system_generated":0,"doctype_or_field":"DocField","doc_type":"Sales Invoice Item","field_name":"description","property":"reqd","value":"0","doctype":"Property Setter","__last_sync_on":"2023-02-24T10:03:09.313Z"}

Thank you - it helped, as I now have no error when I delete the description. However, when I now remove the description (delete the text) - it shows nothing in my Invoice (my Item, Item_name are are checked in customization of the form, and print form too). When I then write something in the description again, it shows the Item name and item description. But only when there is some text, even comma is enough. Any tips? Thank you

You will to design your custom format for this