Sales Invoice not populating Tax data


I have raised this issue on Github but there is no update as yet.

Here is the screen-shot of the format that I have prepared for populating required data on the Invoice but the system misses-out on the tags highlighted in red:

Early resolution or response would help us move on in our Sales Cycle…

Taxes and charges calculation is not a field not a forum. It is just a HTML banner where we can view itemwise tax breakup.

For the Sales Taxes and Charges (table), please provide screenshot of the transaction indicating values selected in the taxes table. Also provide screenshot of the Print Format Builder indicating which fields of the taxes table are meant to be shown in the print format.

So we should not include this in print format? What if we want to populate this item-wise data as well?

Here are the screen-shots:

  1. The fields selected in tax Table:

  2. The data not populated in the print format as seen from Print-Preview:

  3. Additionally, the Tax rate shown in the Items column is shown in curly brackets i.e. {}, whereas the representation should be simple numeric with % rate:

Hi @umair

Any update on the issue?

Did you find a working solution? Facing the same issue.