Sales Invoice without impacting stocks

Hi, we have a scenario where we will need to generate Sales Invoices without impacting our own inventory. This is done for sales made by retailers who we have consignment arrangement with.  In these instances, we may not have the inventory monitored in erpnext.  Is it possible to make an invoice without specifying a warehouse? 

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In Sales Invoice, "Update Stock" should be checked only if you want to have an effect of it on Stock. If you don't want stock updated via Sales Invoice, keep Update Stock unchecked.

For the ease of use, we will hide Warehouse field when Update Stock is not checked. I will raise Github issue for it.

Hope this helps.

On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 7:44 AM, lxnow <> wrote:
Hi, we have a scenario where we will need to generate Sales Invoices without impacting our own inventory. This is done for sales made by retailers who we have consignment arrangement with. In these instances, we may not have the inventory monitored in erpnext. Is it possible to make an invoice without specifying a warehouse?

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Thanks and Regards,

Umair Sayyed

You can sell without updating stocks by unchecking the Update Stocks check box