Sometimes a very long time passes before a reply comes from someone who knows what they’re doing (diclaimer: I do not). Sometimes they don’t come at all.
I have not used pricing rule myself, but here’s some ideas:
try enable / disable the rule a couple times (and enable disable between changes below)
make sure to SAVE and reload to verify changes/modifications saved to pricing rule
Try different options for “apply on”
Try different options for “price” or “product discount”
Try to keep your rules as minimal as possible during testing but…
Set a broad and “valid from” / “valid to” range
Also look if there are any “not required” fields which may actually be required to make it function?
Pay attention to “Notes” at bottom and make sure you understand all conditions
If this fails, next step (if you know a little python) would be to look around the code in the app sections where you think pricing rules should apply (quotations and sales orders?) and see if there are even IF statement checks for pricing rules to apply there.
example (links to pricing rule search in code)…
can probably narrow it down searching for get_pricing_rule_for_item
If you have time to torture yourself further while you wait for official response, you could always deploy v12 in a vm and see if what you’re trying to do works there and report back. If it works in v12 but not v13, then that’s probably something they will take a closer look at sooner. Oh and be sure to use github issue log for report like that if you confirm v12 worked and v13 does not… Issues · frappe/erpnext · GitHub
also check first…