Save a child table perticler field in database

Hi Team ,
I want to save a child table perticler filed in database . field type is data.
without saving a all form simple save a perticler field database.

can you help me .

try frappe.db.set_value("Doctype", "doc_name", "field_name", "value")

@Saranesh_A my value is dyanamically change . like i want to set live timer . in db
my parent doctype is Timesheet and child doctype is Timesheet Detail my field name is custom_live_timer . type is Data.

@shubham2025 can you please specify the use case
since we already have a timer in timesheet doctype

@Saranesh_A my usecase is so user start a timer then manger does not have a know . how much time it user take so for that we have to build a concept live timer .

means inted of save overall form save only one field in database.

Have you tried with start timer custom button in timesheet

once it is started, u can click on resume timer to see the live timer

yes it see on live timer i want to save live timer filed in DB at every 10 sec .
that i want to do
and the value inside the live timer field is change at every sec. this value is set from the dialog box at every 10 sec .

please help i am near about an solution .

@Saranesh_A this also right but is there any way to set value in db inside the child table field .