I have New Created doctype Repairing, it’s child table is Products, and both have status field in forms and both status fields are select field type. I need script for when i select Estimate in child table status field then automatically In parent doctype Status field updated to Estimate (Both have Estimate option in it).
note:- i created child table because i have to add multiple item to my Repairing form, that’s why i have add item link to child table (may be this note helpful to solve this issue)
Please help to solve this problem. i tried many script but not working
Now … maybe you will need to check if any status of your child rows is “Estimated” … What will happen if you change back “Estimated” to other status (ie “Pending”) ? Status field on parent form won’t be updated …
I want to add more complexity i have option (Pending, Estimate, Partially Complete, Partially Delivered, Complete & Delivered) in Parent doctype. and child table have option (Pending, Estimate, Complete, Delivered). In child table suppose 2 row added, then condition given below