Scripts to convert woocommerce export formats to ERPNext import?

Hi Folks,
Has anyone done work on converting various data exports from WooCommerce into ERPNext import format?

What I’m looking for, in order of priority:

  1. Products catalogue
  2. Customers data
  3. Sales orders (for which I know there is an integration set for v11, hence this is in last order of priority)

Wondering if anyone has already made scripts to do this conversion, and would like to share? In zero case I am going to take time to code it up anyways.

To discuss scripting:

In Customer data, on ERPNext side a customer doctype seems to be including two other doctypes: Address and Contact. Which means I’ll have to break up the CSV customer data I have into Customer, Address, and Contact csv’s, and maintain ID coherence so they get stitched together properly after importing.

I’m getting confused regarding naming and ID : in examples I see the full name of the person/product being used as ID field, and I find that unstable. But if I assign number or code as ID, when I’m using ERPNext and searching for the person/item I want the name to be searched too.

I expect such complications to follow in product catalogue and sales order sides as well.

Then, I want to have multilingual names of products. But in ERPNext import format I don’t see how to provision that, what to name the field so that in the POS section for our staff we can have local language names.

Possible Incentive

Please share if you have made such scripts and would like to take a payment to release it open source : I can’t afford to pay a big amount but want to give some appreciation to whoever saves me several hours of work! And if there’s more people interested in this, could we pool in to create a bounty amount? Note that I am also asking from my own end in case I’m the one who has to make the script ultimately.