Search bar Not hiding for specific Role in Frappe 15

Search bar Not hiding for specific Role in Frappe 15
Please Help On It.

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@Talib_Sheikh is any other role assigned to that user, because if that role has permission for a search bar, It will not hide


No, only one role is assigned to this user.

still not hiding !!
Screenshot from 2024-02-15 11-37-33

Doctype - User

Doctype - Role

Doctype - Role Profile

@buildwithhussain @netchampfaris

HI @Talib_Sheikh:

Check the roles:

Desk User

And disable Search Bar.

All the users have this roles by default.
Hope this helps.

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You Are Right :star_struck: :+1: @avc
By default all the users have this roles

  1. All
  2. Desk User
  3. Guest

Thank You for this help . .

i checked all roles, and could not find “Search Bar.” to disable, can you help

Hi @Rebaz_Balisani:

Look into each role:

Hope this helps.

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hi @avc

Thank you very much :+1: