Search by customer number on online POS?

I set the required search fields and ticked the primary contacts.

So the customer becomes Searchable using Phone number on offline POS but not on online pos.

How can i enable search customer by phone number on online POS as well?

edit: Its not even searchable by common search fields which we set.(can search in sales invoice but not on online pos)

Any Update on how to do this?

Or is it a Bug?

Any update on enabling this feature?

Hi @kt2152

We’re working on this feature and we’ll release this feature in version 10

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Cool @rohit_w

Also not to forget the ability to create customer with phone number and email address while using online PoS

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@rohit_w , yes i also second that.

@kt2152 @olamide_shodunke

I have sent PR of this feature and currently it’s under review. It will work while creating customer from online POS as well from standard quick entry form.

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You are the MAN!


Hello @rohit_w,
I see the v10 release has been delayed,
Has the search feature been pushed in develop yet?


Hi rohit

This is not working on V10 develop

Could you look into this?


Yes it’s available in develop branch

Yes it’s working properly, can you share the screenshots of an error

see screen shot below

I typed in an existing phone number and it was not able to bring up the customer when searched.

This is on

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Sorry was checking in the sales order, we’ve identified and fixed the issue, soon we’ll release it.

Just updated local machine with the latest develop branch code and tested it.

There are no error logs in the console

the search fields are already set…
its working fine on sales invoice not in POS

Thank you !!

OK thankyou ,

@rohit_w , what to add in code in a app to make customer searchable by mobile number there as well?

have customer field in app want to make it searchable by number as well ,
Could you tell me how,

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:


This is already available in the app, please check primary contact selected in the customer and has mobile number in the customer.

@rohit_w , sorry if i was unclear,
What i meant to say was , i have created a custom App for some custom functionality and have added a customer field Link to the form,

Here the customer is not searchable by number, it is only seachable in sales invoice(n similar) and pos but not in my custom app i created ,
Is there like a query or something i need to add on the .js or .py files of the app doctype?

Primary is already selected

Thanks for help in advance.