Search for Child Table Field Duplicate Results in List View

Im having this issue since v8 where filtering the list view shows duplicated results.

Please help us with more information, so that we can check from here.

  • Doctype Name
  • Fields based on which filter is applied on the list view.

hI @umair im now on v 8.08, this happens to me in any doctype like sales invoice , sales order, stock entry where sarching for a field inside a child table from the any parent doctype mentioned above. for example in one sales invoice i have 3 items which unit of mesasure is Kg so searching from UOM inside (sales invoice Item) will result in the sames sales invoice repeated 3 times in list view.

This happens to any field, custom or standar.

Update: This is also happening in

here is the github issue Duplicate Results in List View since V8 · Issue #8353 · frappe/erpnext · GitHub