Seeking Assistance for ERPNext v14 to v15 Upgrade

same for me, any update on this?

are you using bench start or using production??

sorry for the late replay, and thank you for your fast replay.
I use production

My issue was in procfile nodejs path, if you are using production there maybe other issue, check the path of nodejs once

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This seems to work well. I had to manually upgrade the hrms app because it was failing with No module named ‘erpnext.loan_management.doctype.loan_repayment.loan_repayment
This post helped me there too: No module named 'erpnext.loan_management.doctype.loan_repayment.loan_repayment

I’m stuck at bench migrate --skip-failing

frappe@erpnext:~/frappe-bench$ bench migrate --skip-failing
Please specify --site sitename
frappe@erpnext:~/frappe-bench$ bench migrate --skip-failing --site
Usage: bench  migrate [OPTIONS]
Try 'bench  migrate --help' for help.

Error: No such option: --site

If I run it without the --site option, it asks for one. If I add the --site option, it complains there is no such option. How to get past this step?

I eventually succeeded with the update. However, I did have to do a few steps differently. Maybe it helps someone else in the future.

Upgrade Frappe Bench

  1. Run this without sudo
    pip3 install --upgrade frappe-bench
  2. bench migrate --skip-failing just won’t run, as shown above
  3. I had to install the latest node version, as the one installed was too low, and it required a higher one. nvm install node did the trick.
  4. Bench update came up with an error as restarting supervisorctl came up with an error 7 or so. After a sudo supervisorctl start all it worked somehow though.

It looks like it is fully upgraded and the previous data is still there. Will test a bit further before doing the upgrade on the actual production system. This one was just done on a copy to test the upgrade.