Seeking Cloud Solution for Client Management and Custom Application Deployment

Hello Team,
We’re exploring options to establish our proprietary cloud system, particularly for managing our clientele and deploying custom applications, including ERPNext. Due to compliance constraints, we’re avoiding the Frappe cloud.

Current Infrastructure:

  • ERPNext and Frappe applications hosted on EC2 instances (multi-site setup).
  • Backup: S3
  • File System: EFS
  • Database: RDS
  • Total Sites: 15

At present, app updates and new site creation necessitate SSHing into EC2 instances followed by executing bench commands. We’re keen to transition to a UI-driven management system for efficiency.

We’re inclined towards Frappe Docker applications, Kubernetes (K8), and AWS. If there are existing solutions or if you could advise on the best approach, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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Hi, could you elaborate on what are the compliance constraints on Frappe Cloud?

ERPNext and Frappe applications hosted on EC2 instances (multi-site setup).

Backup: S3

File System: EFS

Database: RDS

Total Sites: 15

Rethink over K8s. It will give you UI/API, it will also give you lot of overhead.

Our clients want to store data with encryption and also they have restrictions on where we are storing the data. Other than that we have data retention and retrieval policies

Thank you Revant for the quick response. we are expecting our client base and sites might scale to 50’s in next 8 months. Want to prepare for that, we feel K8 might be handy here. Agree on the complexity it will bring along with it.

Frappe cloud will soon have two offerings:

  • BYOD (bring your servers and manage on FC dashboard). This is already made available to few users, contact us to get access before it is generally available (within a month or so)
  • Private cloud. You can spawn entire private FC cluster if you have that kinda usage requirements. This can be in a private network so you don’t have to worry much about security. (Should be out in 2-4 months, no commitments on this yet)

Thanks Ankush, thanks for the response. We heard about this, but the pricing is not clear on this part from Frappe, looking forward to exploring that option as well, thanks for pointing this out.

You could also setup your own Frappe Cloud using the Open Source Press App.

Is this still being worked on Private Cloud on Private Network? Would be great to run Frappe Cloud on a Local NAS server.