Select suitable VPS

The factors on which the type of vps is selected and its capabilities.
Like number of users.

Ideally 4 core, 8 GB RAM about 200 GB SSD would do well for mid sized businesses. You can upgrade a VPS but service provider will not allow downgrade.

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Thanks sir

We were using 1 core, 1GB ram VPS for 3 users when we are implementing ERPNext v11.
With v13, things have been changed little bit.

is a good point to start and experiment.

We also faced some issues with the disk speed. Especially for private, in-work servers.

We measuse disk speed by this command.

dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/test2.img bs=512 count=1000 oflag=dsync

And this is the results for different servers. We didn’t accept the job for the first server because of the poor disk performance. So be aware.

Private Server-1
512000 bytes (512 kB, 500 KiB) copied, 293.152 s, 1.7 kB/s

Private Server-2
512000 bytes (512 kB, 500 KiB) copied, 6.36803 s, 80.4 kB/s

512000 bytes (512 kB, 500 KiB) copied, 9.06014 s, 56.5 kB/s

512000 bytes (512 kB, 500 KiB) copied, 1.68598 s, 304 kB/s

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Good info. Thanks.

Running on AWS:
T3 medium. 2vCPU, 4GB RAM.
Currently with up to 10 concurrent users, seems to be ok.
Disk: GP2, General Purpose SSD with 120/300 IOPS:
With the command from above:
512000 bytes (512 kB, 500 KiB) copied, 2.08867 s, 245 kB/s

Nice. How is the price?

I am still a “small fish” compared to all you guys … but I am running 2CPU 4 G ram for
one user on a “Regular” Intel CPU for $20 / month. Have not experienced any performance
issues. I did not have any issues with RAM during installation either.

Yes, installation is way smoother now. I heart that “bench build” fails when there is not enough memory but 4GB seems fine.

There are many new-comers to ERPNext. There are not so much guides for the ERPNext Implementators. I am thinking to create one. It will be about getting requirements, things to consider when quoting, etc.

Does it seem helpful?


To me it sounds like an excellent idea to put forward a guidline.

I am with Digital Ocean and obviously I would like to pay as little as possible so I wanted to go
for the smallest option and not having any idea myself and also no guideline was rather
frustrating because you can’t go for a big option and then turn it back ( as a previous
contributor already mention further up).

But you cannot go to small either because your install may fail if your memory is to small !!

If you are going to put together a guideline and require information from other users,
I am willing to contribute any information that you can use. Seeing that I am one of the
smaller users I am obviously on the one side of the spectrum.

AWS is not cheap. And the pricing structure is rather complex…

T3med costs between 0.048usd to 0.030usd per hour. If you pay full year upfront, around 250usd per year.
The additional costs for disc are 3-4usd per month.

So around 25usd per month for 24/7, upfront paid.
On demand would be in range of 40usd.

So,this is what make the speed for private deployment to be slow when one opt for in house private server.Any way to know the disk speed when you want to buy the hardware or is it after installation of OS that one can then test?

Ohh Yes… That would be quite helpful (even for us more experienced users).

The only thing to consider when doing something like this is how to keep the guide “fresh” since the applications change and grow every month. This means the general requirements will need to keep up with both the changing applications as well as the changing virtualizations from VPS providers in general. They too are constantly changing their offerings as new technology emerges.

Still… This would be a noble undertaking. :smiley:


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