I have successfully self-hosted Frappe Cloud and accessed the Frappe Cloud dashboard. However, when I try to create a website, I get the following warning:
Support covers only issues of Frappe apps and not functional queries. You can raise a support ticket for Frappe Cloud issues for all plans.
A friend mentioned that despite the Docker not found error, I should still be able to create the website. However, when I try, nothing happens.I also tried addidng ite plan still its the same…
Basically i followed the official doc and video(Local Development Environment Setup and https://youtu.be/TjrQsHHeRqk?si=MB-CW4V3SVmyax44). Eventhough i got the dashboard i am getting the docker not found error in the dashboard …most of the steps and errors encountered are not mentioned in the doc and solving them require a lot of trial and error…
@Elnegren Are you sure cause many told me that stripe account is not mandatory… The issue with stripe is that we can only create an account through invite…