Selling order, problem with decimals

I’m Mauro, i’m new ErpNext user and i’m entusiastic!
This software is fantastic!

I have a trouble with selling orders: i need to use many decimals in the price field.

When i add a item in the list, the price is correct.

If i close the item list, price is still correct (see image).

When i save the order, price is rounded at last two digit… (see image)

I do not understand why…

How can I fix this?


this is image of initial item insertion link

Hello mauroti,

Thank you so much your kind word!
You can set the Number format, float precision as per your requirement.

Setup > Settings > System settings

Nescode (
Partner for ERPNext

hello sunilsrikumar,
float precision is setted to 6 but not work…

I have a doubt …
I’m using version 4.3.0 of erpnext, the virtual appliance can be downloaded from the site. It’s ok?

Yes you can download.

Nescode (
Partner for ERPNext

i have set float precision to 6 and modified the module by setting the precision of each field to 6 but no result…

It seems that when saving a JavaScript rounds total.
Is it possible?

Did you set Global Precision in Setup > Settings > System Settings?

I have setted “float precision” in Setup > Settings > System Settings to 6…

Can you update to the latest version?

See section “Update Image”