Send email alert when sales invoice status is paid

hi guys,

I would like to setup an email alert for sales invoice when the status is paid.

Currently what i have tried so far :

Test 1:
Send Alert on : Value Change

Value Changed : outstanding_amount (Outstanding_amount)

Condition : doc.docstatus ==1 and doc.outstanding_amount == 0

result : not working, no email send after status change to paid.

Test 2:
Send Alert on : Submit

Condition : doc.docstatus ==1 and doc.outstanding_amount == 0

result : not working, no email send after status change to paid.

Any input is highly appreciated, Thanks

This does not work because system does not used set_value method to set outstanding amount or status, it directly update those via query. There are some other problems to use set_value method to update those values.


Instead of checking the outstanding amount you can check the status field value directly, the status change should trigger the email alert as it uses the db_set method.

Use following settings for Sales Invoice Email Alert

Send Alert on : Value Change
Value Changed : status
Condition : doc.status =="Paid"
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Hi, thanks for reply.

But there is no “status” to be choosed in value changed, i guess because it is not a field?

I used doc.workflow_state==“Approved by Supervisor” as a workflow state in email alert condition and it works for i guess can help.



Status field is available in the Value change field for Sales Invoice, Please check the screenshot

I think because im using erpnext version v7.0.63, could not find the status field to select in value changed.

Is there anyway that i could add the status field into the email alert without upgrading to latest version?.
