Send repeated sms

I am looking to implement a feature to send sms notification to customers who have unpaid balance due.
I want this sms to be sent every day until payment has been received.

I tried:

  1. Create a new notification for sms channel. But it can be triggered only once when due date is reached. But repeating it is a problem. I can use set property after alert and update the due date but this is not a good idea.

What can be a good approach to achieve this ?

It seems like you’re looking for a way to send notifications and want an efficient way to generate content for messages. One tool that might help is our Text-to-Speech Online Free Unlimited tool.

If you’re planning to send out SMS notifications, you could combine it with text-to-speech features to create automated voicemail messages or even for interactive customer service calls. This tool can help convert any text into natural-sounding speech, which could be especially useful if you want to leave a personalized voicemail reminder about unpaid balances.

While this may not directly solve the repeat SMS issue, it might provide an alternative way to reach your customers if you’re looking for various channels of communication. Let me know if you need further details on how to integrate this into your notification system!