Sending email using AWS SES

Hi Everyone! I need help with my SMTP settings. I’ve done my research and did not found a solution.

My “Email Account” record is completely okay.

The problem occurs when the system is sending email. For example, I send a reset password email via User. The error message says:

smtplib.SMTPSenderRefused: (501, b’Invalid command or cannot parse from address’, ‘Notifications’)

My AWS SES is completely okay since I am using it to send emails using other service.

I think the problem here is how frappe is setting the attribute mail-from which is formatted as [name] <[email_account]>.

I also tried using Mailgun but the same problem occurs.

Thank you in advance! Have a great day!

Do you have verified in your aws SES settings? I use aws SES too and i know that if the sender is not verified by aws then messages sent with the sender will be rejected.

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Hi @flexy2ky

Yes It is verified. I can even send via SES using other service.

But unfortunately it is still raising this error :frowning:

Thanks for reaching out.

Can you share a screenshot of your notification settings? You can conceal the username and password.

Hi @hanztura

If you’re using SES, make sure the 'Always use Account's Email Address as Sender' option in your Email Account settings is checked
