Sending Quoatation, PO, SO by email without link to the self-hosted ERPnext


When sending Quotation, PO or SO by email with PDF attached, ERPnext adds in email line with “View this from your browser” with the link to the document on internal ERPnext server (self-hosted installation). Customers can not access the file (since self-hosted server is internal and not published) and it is a bit consusing for some of them. Is is possible to remove this line?

Best regards,
Vladimir V.

Go to Website > Setup > Website Settings and click on “Disable Signup” (its at the bottom)>


No, this did not help, there is still a line “View this in you browser” in emails sent from ERPNext with Quotation in PDF. Line has a link on internal server.

Vladimir V.

Sorry just checked. There is no setting to disable it right now, can you add this to GitHub issues?