Due to a series of misunderstandings, I have had to delete work orders that existed and redo them.
The first time I did work order 1, I ended up with 2x Item A, with serial numbers SN001 and SN002.
After having deleted the work order and all associated steps, including the serial numbers that had been generated, I redid the work order and it generates me SN003 and SN004, even though my previous serial numbers were deleted from the system.
I need to have SN001 and SN002 since these products are already sent out to a client, I just had an ERP issue which I am now solving as best as I can.
As a workaround, I could edit the serial number names by hand, but that is not ideal since the next serial number that will automatically be generated will be SN005.
I tried looking up in the Naming Series if I could restart the numbering, but serial numbers are not accessible through there.
How can I reset my serial numbers?
Thanks for your help!