Server Error: TypeError: must be str, not NoneType when printing invoice

Server Error: TypeError: must be str, not NoneType when printing invoice. The error occur only on one customer.

@JoshP are you using a custop print format or the standard one ?

Hi @bahaou. I’m using a custom print format.

@JoshP provde some screeshots please . and also screenshot the console in inspect element

This is the error.

And this is the information log in my console.

@JoshP show line 53 of your code

@bahaou Here

@JoshP one of supplier or supplier_inv_no is causing problem . try to remove the line and test it . if that was the problem you should add some sort of testing before doing the concatenating

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@bahaou Already solved the error, item.supplier_inv_no has no value input that’s why it causes an error.

Thank you very much. Because of your help, I pinpointed the cause of the error.