Server error website item


I have a problem when I tried to unpublished a website item, i got this error,

Server Error

PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: ‘/opt/bitnami/erpnext/frappe-bench/sites/erpnext/indexes/web_routes/MAIN_WRITELOCK’

My current versions
ERPNext: v13.13.0 (version-13)
Frappe Framework: v13.13.0 (version-13)

Is there anything Do I need to do ?

Thanks you

The issue is not with the version its with the file permission.

I faced same issue and had a very simple approach to resolve it:

download WINSCP ( for windows to Linux file directory manager(FTP)) : link

just go to the directory up till - /opt/bitnami/erpnext/frappe-bench/sites/erpnext/indexes/web_routes/ the right click on the folder via SCP

and try giving all the permssion just like i did :slight_smile:

Voila! It will work !

Sorry forgot veru important thing:


Select this option while giving permission rights