Set permission by using User Permission Manager

When any support ticket is not closed by assigned user in 24 hours, our support ticket escalates to users reporting person , the support tickets escalates to CEO/COO if not closed.

In current flow user can read/write only those tickets which are assigned to them.
Is it possible to assign multiple records of any master one user?

user - doctype - user permission
user 1 - support ticket - ST0001
user 1 - support ticket - ST0002
user 1 - support ticket - ST0003

I tried above scnrio in user permission manager but it not working?

Hello Priya,

For now automatic escalation of issue is not available in ERPNext. Please create Github Issue for this issue.

For permission of Support Ticket, instead of restricting based on Support Ticket Id, you should restrict user based on Assigned To, which will be User field in the Support Ticket. If not available already, you should insert a Custom User Link field, and assign tickets to user based on that field.

Check following link for help on how you can do restriction based on Owner field. It doesn’t require you creating User Permissions at all.

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