Dear all,
I have a link field that I want to filter based on conditional in the source docname.
The source is checkbox. So I want to display in the link field only those that are checked (“food is checked” OR “drink is checked”)
I know I can filter with this for only 1 filter:
frappe.ui.form.on('Store', {
setup: function(frm) {
cur_frm.set_query("item_sold", function() {
return {
"filters": [
"Selling Items","food", "=", "1"
But now I want it to return those stores that sell food OR drink.
I tried:
"Selling Items", ["in", [["food","=","1"],["drink","=","1"]]]
but it doesn’t return anything.
If I use
["Selling Items","food", "=", "1"],
["Selling Items","drink", "=", "1"]
it returns food AND drink.
And if I use : (colon) to separate the doctype with filter parameter, it doesn’t work.
How can I use the multi ‘OR’ filter with conditions?
I use erpnext and frappe latest version.
Thank you for any help.