Hello, I set a custom Data field in my sales order and purchase order Docs
Label: company_abbr
Type: Data
Name: company_abbr
Option: company.abbr
When I create a new PO or SO this easily retrieves the company abbreviation and puts it into the company_abbr field. The strange thing is that when I make a purchase order from a sales order(drop ship), company_abbr is blank, the field doesn’t retrieve the value. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
Is field name for Company Abbreviation same in Purchase Order as Sales Order? Have you written any custom script in Purchase Order to have abbreviation fetched? A usecase for having abbreviation fetched in the transactions, even when Company Name is fetched?
okay. So, I’ve done some experimentations. Looks like if company_abbr is the same in both the SO and PO, the PO’s company_abbr will be filled. But I’m not sure it’s a fetch from “company.abbr”. But maybe a “copy over” from dropship SO when I created the PO.
When I create a PO from dropship SO, I would like to do a fetch on load. I tried a DIFFERENT variable: company.country.
Purchase Order’s Form:
Here’s the screenshot of the PO created from the dropship’s SO, country.abbr was probably copied over and country.country was not fetched (THIS IS WHAT I’M TRYING TO ACHIEVE):
I tried with AND without a custom script, its a one-line script in PO: cur_frm.add_fetch(“company”, “country”, “country”);
I’ve attached a screenshot of that too. Again, I tried with and without