Setting default accounts

When creating new company, in the Company doctype we can set the default accounts.
But I observe there are some behaviours that is not / less controlled:

  1. The COA should have only 1 account having the account_type key (related to the defaults in the Company page). Otherwise, ERPNext picks up randomly. I thought it would be the first account having intended account_type. But it is not.
    These account_type would be helpful in filtering the accounts available when creating transactions. So not having them set creates over-populated dropdown selection.

  2. There are some default accounts that is not displayed, although they have the correct account_type in the COA.
    For example: the default income acct. and COGS which I have set but not showed up.

  3. There are some accounts in the COA that has been set to hold certain account, but can’t be set as the default. The account_type can only hold certain values (for example: Expense Account, Payable, etc) but some accounts settings may need different account_type which are not available currently.
    For example the Employee Advance Acct., or Exchange Gain/Loss Account, or Gain/Loss on Asset Disposal, Write Off Acct., etc.
    How to set the COA so the field box can pick up the default account (which account_type are not available in the above list)?
    I know how to do it in the GUI, but my question is on setting the COA so the GUI can retrieve the default from the COA setting (similar to other filled accts.
    Even so, on the GUI there is problems → see my question #4 below

  4. When clicking the field box, there is no account available to choose. But the COA has the account set. Why?

I hope this is only mis-settings on my side and not a bug… so it can be fixed quickly. :slight_smile:

And thank you in advance for any help from this great community.

Does anyone face this issue as well? Or do I the only one think it is rather important to tackle? :slight_smile:
Really hope to get someone’s insight about this issue.

“When clicking the field box, there is no account available to choose. But the COA has the account set. Why?”

“I hope this is only mis-settings on my side and not a bug… so it can be fixed quickly.”

Thanks for sharing your concerns - perhaps umair prakash nabin or other Frappe team member might please respond to your question, whether this by design or oversight?