$SITE_NAME – this SITE_NAME must be included port no., eg. my.domain.com:9123
I did this, and it works, but it has a issue that if my server port no. is changed, then site names also be changed too.
SITES – it has problem now which my domain name including “:” for port number.
I tried "" or “/” else possible skip character, but it does not works.
Is it any better method to handle the port number with domain?
Is it the direction as skip bench? I find it is no Bench at frappe_docker, but a new set commands, eg. the above new site and backup comamnds, instead of it.
Port based multi-tenancy is not available in docker README.
You can play around with docker-compose and publish relevant ports and proxy things on your own if port based multi tenancy is needed. Share your experience if you do that.
Sorry to let you mis-understanding, i am not using Port based multi-tenancy, i am still using “DNS based multitenancy” which the sites are my.domain.com:9123, my.domain2.com:9123, they are share same port number but different domains. I tried and these two domains are running now.
Inside docker-compose, i still expose port 80, i use traefik to expose my port, eg. 9123 outside world to access different sites.
I just have issue as backup command at this moment. At short, i can manually backup the mysql in command prompt myself.
For the reason of this configuration – my.domain.com:9123, actually i have port 80 domain my.domain.com for my frontend application.
hi revant_one,
i see you have a Mobile App project – frappe-mobile-starter, i have a question regarding oAuth2, can we use mobile App as Client to login to Google (as OAuth Auth. server), then send token to Frappe REST API (as Resource Server) ?
I read the document in Token Based Authentication , Mobile App client send the token to Frappe which this token seems as generated from frappe(as role of OAuth Auth. server), however, i would like to use google or facebook token to access frappe(as resource server), is it possible for this situation at frappe V12 ?