Setup outgoing Email with SSL

I am a beginner. I am trying to setup email with own SMTP server. There is an option to setup outgoing email settings with TSL. I have SSL port number. So Is It possible to setup outgoing email settings with SSL.


AFAIK, TLS is preferred for outgoing and SSL for incoming.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

hi @shradhdha03 , Hi @rmehta

technically SSL is dead for all puposes and should never be used - Heartbleed and Poodle sucked out the live of this encryption protokoll
please try to always use TLS or STARTTLS ( the later mostly for Outgoing since some SMTPs will need to “upgrade” the connections security during handshake)

1.are you using the smtp for transfer or submission? why own SMTP?

2.are you shure the port is explicit ( only SSL on that port?)
it can be an implicit port that supports both since TLS is SSL´s successor (currently we´re looking at TLS 1.2 if the Host is configuered right and “safe”)

hope that helps
