Setup Wizard has 3 Steps, was expecting 10

Hello ERPNext community,

I just did a fresh manual install on ubuntu 14.04. My about page has
Installed Apps:
Frappe Framework: v8.x.x-beta (8d6606f) (develop)

My question is, the setup wizard had only 3 steps, but I was expecting 10. Conseqeuntly, I do not have the company/accounts module. How do I setup or activate accounts ?

Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks.



Did you install ERPNext app into Frappe?

bench install-app erpnext

After installing ERPNext, check Setup wizard once again.

Thanks for pointing me to the right direction, but my problem persists.

when I do> bench install-app erpnext
It returns>ERPNext can only be installed on a fresh site where the setup wizard is not completed
You can reinstall this site (after saving your data) using: bench --site [sitename] reinstall.

Even after running bench --site [sitename] reinstall as suggested, still gets the same error.

from the browser, I tried to use the ‘app installer’ to install ERP Next app but it just says “Queued for install” and does nothing else

I also switched bench from dev to master but I still can’t get erpnext app installed.

what am I not doing ?


It seems that you have completed the setup wizard first before installing erpnext app, You will need to reinstall the site please follow the below steps

bench --site your_sitename reinstall

then try to complete the setup wizard

thanks everyone, am now properly set up. though I had to restart all over from
bench init frappe-bench
but it was well worth it, it looks great !