Shifts in customisations

Where a great improvement for the desktop was announced , the custom order of field has been depreciated.
Let’s hope that technology will one day bring back this feature.
As a long term user i am a kind of optimistic here: have seen features removed and coming back in the past.
Anyway, as many screens do have a POS counterpart, improving this may take away some of the pain.
If, fields to be shown in POS, including the order, could be user-defined, probably less users would miss this feature.
Further to sales POS: stlill can not use it in full. Parts of Europe move towards a cashless society, and cash payments are rare, maybe 5% of our sales. However, cash is a must for POS.
See also: Select Mode of Payment for POS · Issue #4516 · frappe/erpnext · GitHub

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