The Shopify connector app hasn’t been working for me since the update. I’m working on a pull request to fix it, but I need to figure out how to set up a dynamic link from the get_doc function. The old code is as follows:
"doctype": "Address",
"shopify_address_id": address.get("id"),
"address_title": address_title,
"address_type": address_type,
"address_line1": address.get("address1") or "Address 1",
"address_line2": address.get("address2"),
"city": address.get("city") or "City",
"state": address.get("province"),
"pincode": address.get("zip"),
"country": address.get("country"),
"phone": address.get("phone"),
"email_id": shopify_customer.get("email"),
"customer":, # This line and the next line need to be changed
"customer_name": customer.customer_name # into dynamic links