Shopify sync error


im tried shopify + erpnext… but it always failing on sync… the problem is:
when im created variant and set to sync the stock

it raising :
Traceback (innermost last):
File “/home/bobzz/frappe-bench/apps/erpnext_shopify/erpnext_shopify/”, line 536, in update_item_stock_qty
update_item_stock(item.item_code, shopify_settings)
File “/home/bobzz/frappe-bench/apps/erpnext_shopify/erpnext_shopify/”, line 575, in update_item_stock
raise e
HTTPError: 422 Client Error: Unprocessable Entity for url:

Request data
{“name”: “tes-GRE”, “item_code”: “tes-GRE”}

but if im not sync with the stock its successfull…

i wonder if this is a bug…



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@bobzz_zone thanks for raising. I will check and update you soon.


@saurabh6790 will wait for it…


@saurabh6790 how is it ?

@bobzz_zone Sorry but no luck. Could not reproduce the issue on local. Can you share item details ?

Hi Sure…

my items is actually simple…
since is just test item that im tried to sync…

do you have suggestion about how i should give an example ?
i just set the name , group , and uom,
check use variants,
make 2 variants…
check sync with shopify
then i sync it…


@bobzz_zone hey thanks, I haven’t checked with variants. Let me test with variants. Thanks :slight_smile:

sure, thanks… will wait for the news… :slight_smile:

@bobzz_zone Thank you so much for pulling attention on this issue.

We have fixed issue via Multiple fixes by saurabh6790 · Pull Request #119 · frappe/erpnext_shopify · GitHub