Show balance quantity of each Item in the Item doctype instead of reports


Can you please let me know if there is a way to show the balance quantity of each item, when you click on the Item in the Item doctype instead of the stock balance report. Just trying to consolidate all information instead of jumping though reports. 

Any help would be appreciated.


@Akilesh_Anandharaj I agree that would be helpful. Easier for users to locate item data in one place.

Would the quantity in the item doctype reflect total quantity on hand, or total quantity on hand minus quantity reserved for sales order & production order? Having only total quantity on hand could lead the user to false information on what is actually available.

@sellisjr : I agree, showing total quantity minus quantity reserved should give a better insight, but I think ErpNext only shows the total balance quantity now.

I found a way to get the latest quantity answering my own question. You can go to the stock ledger doctype and search for the field called ‘qty_after_transaction’ for each item code. Be sure to find the latest modified document for that item in the doctype. Then link this field to the item doctype using a custom script. The only issue is I don’t know how to write a custom script to search and find the latest entry in the doctype.


@Akilesh_Anandharaj you can find Item Balance Quantity from Stock-> Main Reports -> Stock Balance Report report.
Please check this report

@kolate_sambhaji : Yeah, but you cannot show the value from the report in the Item Doctype. The reference doctype to show this value in the Item doctype is the Stock Ledger Entry doctype.

Which values you need to track in Item master and why?


I just stumbled on this old post while researching my own issue.

I need to show the following in the item master

  1. On hand qty
  2. qty on open sales order
  3. qty under manufacture

Is this possible and what are the field names?


@olamide_shodunke In recent update, you can check stock level on item master.
It include reserve qty, actual qty and waiting qty.

Thanks Kolate

However I need to use the qty field for another purpose. Do you know what the field name is ??


@olamide_shodunke You can get stock balance and other qty in tabBin.

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This might oot from the op or outdated alr but this helped me out:

This will returns all your items with actual qty to date, but for now with no pagination nor filters added

Thank you…