Slack Notification App

We have made a slack notification for scheduler log :slight_smile: so every time there is a problem in the schedule task slack will be notified.

Slack Integration

Frappe and ERPNext Slack Notification Integration

How to Install

Install App

  1. bench get-app slack GitHub - bailabs/slack
  2. bench install-app slack

In Slack Menu

  1. Go to Apps & Integration Menu
  2. Search and Select “Incoming WebHooks” App
  3. Click Add Configuration
  4. Select or Create a channel where you want to be notified
  5. Click Add Incoming Webhooks Integration
  6. Take note the Webhook URL value

In Frappe/ERPNext Menu

  1. Go to Setup → Slack Settings
  2. Set the the values.
    Mandatory Fields:
    • Webhook URL = copy the value that you get in Slack Incomming Webhooks Integration ( Step 6 in Slack Menu Section )
    • Channel = copy the value the one you select or create in ( Step 4 in Slack Menu Section )

Chris Ian Fiel
Bai Web and Mobile Labs


@ccfiel . Great work !!

Can it be used to post to webhooks of other chat services? (Say Mattermost for example)

Hi @ccfiel,
is it possible to make this notification against other issues or notifications?

let’s say the same notification of erpnext, once there is a new notification it will send to that channel?

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for now its for slack but it can be done :slight_smile:

This app does this :slight_smile:

Hi, Can we Integrate Slack to cloud version?

no :slight_smile:

i meant if have new invoice, sales order…etc to push a notification to slack.

right now it does not do that, or is there a special setup for it?

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@ramielian It can be done :slight_smile: but for this app that we made is for errors only

@ccfiel @ramielian It would be really useful if we could use it for more than just errors maybe we should take a look at make it create more notification.

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@aairey I believe mattermost has the exact same api as slack. Don’t have an instance ready to test but you should just test it out

I am wondering about @mentions in comments in erpnext - can we link those with slack? i do NOT want more email :slight_smile: